MOODLE Orientation

Weekly Hours to Study
You should expect to study a minimum of 20 hours per week.  This can vary according to the number and types of courses you are enrolled into.  Depending on your knowledge in the subject area you may need to spend additional hours studying to understand the material.

Withdrawing from courses can have serious implications such as full time status, financial aid, student account balance, etc. In the event that you need to withdraw, you must understand that you might be financially responsible and have occurred costs and have out of pocket costs or loss of Financial Aid. Please keep in mind that you cannot withdraw from a course after a certain point. If you must withdraw, this must be requested prior to the end of the withdrawal period.

E-Mail Account
Please use your email account when possible. By using your college email account you may eliminate future problems.

Weekly Work in Class
Assignments and assessment activities are to be COMPLETED within each week. Remember, each week begins on Monday 12:00 a.m. (midnight) and ends the following Sunday at 11:55 p.m. (midnight) 7 days later. All assignments and assessments MUST be completed within the week. Time is calculated by Eastern Time in the United States.

Scholastic Dishonesty
Webber International University may initiate disciplinary proceedings against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating and plagiarizing. Plagiarism is presenting someone else's words as one's own, whether in writing or in speaking. Cheating and plagiarism, whether intentional or accidental, are serious offenses. Scholastic dishonesty will not be tolerated in any course. Plagiarism and other forms of cheating are examples of such dishonesty and will result in serious consequences.
Disciplinary Action by the Instructor -- An instructor who suspects a student of scholastic dishonesty will inform the student of the allegation as soon as possible. It is up to the instructor to determine the disciplinary action to be taken, which could include giving the student a zero for the assignment, reducing the students grade for the course, assigning an "F" for the course, or other action. The instructor will send a written report of the incident to the student and to the Dean of Academic Affairs. If the Academic Dean concludes that the incident merits additional disciplinary action (such as suspension or expulsion), he/she will send a written report of the case to the Vice-President of Instruction for recommended additional disciplinary action.

Good Luck!!!